Take a breath and let it go! Using EMDR therapy to conquer your past. By Kudret
What is EMDR Therapy?
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It differs from traditional talk therapy as it focuses on specific and direct memories and utilizes the Adaptive Information Processing model (API). Essentially the API model states your brain naturally will move towards health and healing. However, when something traumatic or disturbing occurs, that memory may feel “stuck” within you, and you may not have the capacity to move towards healing. When that trauma gets trapped in your body, the emotions and physical reactions felt can also remain stuck and vivid leading to negative thoughts or feeling triggered. For example, feeling like “I’m not safe”, “I’m not good enough” or “I’m all alone”. EMDR therapy helps to process these memories and allow your brain to engage in the natural repairing process to move towards more healthier and balanced beliefs. The goal is not to completely forget the trauma or memory, but rather alleviate the level of disturbance that is brought up so you can engage in your life in a more functional and healthier way.
How does EMDR work?
EMDR therapy follows a structured 8 phase process. It’s not necessary to know all these phases, just know your counsellor is with you every step of the way ensuring safety and consent are present. Within these phases, the priority is to make sure you are equipped and feel ready to enter these stuck memories – this is your journey, and the process looks different for everyone. Once you’re ready to begin reprocessing the memories, something called bi-lateral stimulation is used. This can look like using your eyes to track a light or tapping on yourself back and forth. There are other forms, and you will work with your counsellor to decide which works best for you. Bi-lateral stimulation helps your brain to process the memory to reduce emotional, physical, and mental effects that come up for you.
Who can benefit from EMDR therapy?
EMDR is beneficial for anyone who is experiencing levels of disturbance in relation to past trauma or challenges in their life and are struggling to let go. This can show up in multiple ways such as flashbacks, sleep disturbances, feeling triggered and more. Working alongside a counsellor can help determine if EMDR therapy is right for you.
EMDR Case Example
Here is a quick example of how EMDR works:
Final Reflection
It can be scary to confront or talk about moments in your life that have brought up pain. EMDR therapy is setup in a way where you don’t need to play out these moments word for word. EMDR therapy is created in a way that prioritizes your safety and empowers you to trust yourself and allows your brain to process and go in the direction it needs to go for healing. Your counsellor is here to guide you and strengthen you. Reclaim your peace by transforming the past, so you can move forward with strength and freedom.
Reach out today for a consultation if you’re interested in EDMR therapy!
At Luma Vita Counselling we offer EMDR therapy with a kit! In this photo Cassandra has opted to use the headphones for her session.